Dynamics of self-generated, large amplitude magnetic fields following high-intensity laser matter interaction

G. Sarri, A. MacChi, C. A. Cecchetti, S. Kar, T. V. Liseykina, X. H. Yang, M. E. Dieckmann, J. Fuchs, M. Galimberti, L. A. Gizzi, R. Jung, I. Kourakis, J. Osterholz, F. Pegoraro, A. P.L. Robinson, L. Romagnani, O. Willi, M. Borghesi

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74 Scopus citations


The dynamics of magnetic fields with an amplitude of several tens of megagauss, generated at both sides of a solid target irradiated with a high-intensity (∼1019W/cm2) picosecond laser pulse, has been spatially and temporally resolved using a proton imaging technique. The amplitude of the magnetic fields is sufficiently large to have a constraining effect on the radial expansion of the plasma sheath at the target surfaces. These results, supported by numerical simulations and simple analytical modeling, may have implications for ion acceleration driven by the plasma sheath at the rear side of the target as well as for the laboratory study of self-collimated high-energy plasma jets.

Original languageBritish English
Article number205002
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number20
StatePublished - 13 Nov 2012


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