Dynamical structures of wave front to the fractional generalized equal width-Burgers model via two analytic schemes: Effects of parameters and fractionality

Mst Razia Pervin, Harun-Or-Roshid, Alrazi Abdeljabbar, Pinakee Dey, Shewli Shamim Shanta

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations


    This work focuses on the fractional general equal width-Burger model, which describes one-dimensional wave transmission in nonlinear Kerr media with combined dispersive and dissipative effects. The unified and a novel form of the modified Kudryashov approaches are employed in this study to investigate various analytical wave solutions of the model, considering different powers of nonlinearity in the Kerr media. As a result, a wide range of structural solutions, including trigonometric, hyperbolic, rational, and logarithmic functions, are formulated. The achieved solutions present a kink wave, a collision of kink and periodic peaked soliton, exponentially increasing wave profiles, and shock with a dark peaked wave. The obtained solutions are numerically demonstrated for specific parameter values and general parametric powers of nonlinearity. We analyzed the effect of existing parameters on the obtained wave solutions with numerical graphics. Moreover, the stability of the model is analyzed with a perturbed system. Furthermore, a comparison with published results in the literature is provided, highlighting the differences and similarities. The achieved results showcase the diversity of structural solutions obtained through the proposed approaches.

    Original languageBritish English
    Article number20220328
    JournalNonlinear Engineering
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


    • dispersive effects
    • dissipative effects.
    • fractional GEW-Burger model
    • Jumarie's Riemann-Liouville derivative
    • Kerr media
    • unified scheme


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