Dynamic Scalability Model for Containerized Cloud Services

Said El Kafhali, Iman El Mir, Khaled Salah, Mohamed Hanini

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Cloud computing has become an important research area in large-scale computing systems and is being employed by many organizations in government, businesses, and industry. Schemes and appropriate models for dynamic resources provisioning in the cloud environment have been extensively studied. To date, the research literature is lacking schemes and models that offer dynamic scalability in which Quality of Service (QoS) and high performance are provided to customers with the usage of the least number of cloud resources, especially for containerized services hosted on the cloud. With dynamic scalability, cloud computing can offer on-demand, timely, and dynamically adjustable computing resources to services hosted on the cloud. This paper presents a dynamic scaling model based on queueing theory to scale containers virtual resources and satisfy the customer Service Level Agreements (SLA) while guarding costs of scaling very low. The aim is to improve the virtual computing resources utilization and satisfy SLA constraints in terms of CPU utilization, system response time, system drop rate, system number of tasks, and system throughput. Simulation results are provided using Java Modelling Tools simulation tool, which shows that our proposed model can determine under any offered workload the needed containers instances to satisfy the required QoS parameters.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)10693-10708
Number of pages16
JournalArabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2020


  • Cloud computing
  • Containerized cloud services
  • Containers
  • Performance modeling
  • Resource efficiency


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