Dust ion acoustic solitons in a plasma with kappa-distributed electrons

T. K. Baluku, M. A. Hellberg, I. Kourakis, N. S. Saini

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202 Scopus citations


Dust ion acoustic solitons in an unmagnetized dusty plasma comprising cold dust particles, adiabatic fluid ions, and electrons satisfying a κ distribution are investigated using both small amplitude and arbitrary amplitude techniques. Their existence domain is discussed in the parameter space of Mach number M and electron density fraction f over a wide range of values of κ. For all κ>3/2, including the Maxwellian distribution, negative dust supports solitons of both polarities over a range in f. In that region of parameter space solitary structures of finite amplitude can be obtained even at the lowest Mach number, the acoustic speed, for all κ. These cannot be found from small amplitude theories. This surprising behavior is investigated, and it is shown that fc, the value of f at which the KdV coefficient A vanishes, plays a critical role. In the presence of positive dust, only positive potential solitons are found.

Original languageBritish English
Article number053702
JournalPhysics of Plasmas
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2010


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