Direct fabrication of ZnO nanorods array on-chip system in solution and their electrical properties

Ahsanulhaq Qurashi, Jin Hwan Kim, Yoon Bong Hahn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


To avoid a traditional pick-and-place method of nanodevice fabrication and directly measure the electrical characteristics of as-grown nanorods (NRs), the ZnO NR arrays were fabricated directly on-chip system by the site-selective growth of nanorods thus forming nanorod-array bridges between two-point gold electrodes. This is attractive, realistic, straightforward and highly reproducible technique to grow nanostructures onto the electrodes. The ZnO NR arrays were grown at 70 °C on the pre-patterned two-point electrode system without damaging the electrodes structure and geometry. The electrodes remain completely intact in the chemical solution for 6 h growth of NRs. The effect of oxygen-plasma treatment on the electrical properties of the ZnO NR arrays based two-point electrodes system was investigated in detail.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)88-91
Number of pages4
JournalElectrochemistry Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2012


  • Direct fabrication
  • I-V characteristics
  • Two-point probe electrodes
  • ZnO nanorods array


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