Cultivation Of Spirulina Platensis for carbon dioxide bio sequestration in hybrid photobioreactor with real-time monitoring system

Ika Atman Satya, Awalina Satya, Tjandra Chrismadha, Rosadi Rosadi, Azalea Dyah Maysarah, Ardiyan Harimawan, Tjandra Setiadi, Doris Ying Ying Tang, Pau Loke Show

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Innovative methods for effectively sequestering significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) are required to address the ongoing problem of greenhouse gas emissions, which have increased in tandem with industrial development. Optimisation of the performance of the photobioreactor remains a challenge, despite the potential of using photobioreactors and cyanobacteria for bio sequestration. A potential solution lies in the development of a hybrid photobioreactor design. Thus, this study aims to develop a hybrid design of the photobioreactor equipped with tailor-made real-time monitoring system known as FCB2022 for cultivating Spirulina platensis. The performance is evaluated by monitoring real-time data such as pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature, alongside assessing the growth kinetic of cyanobacterium, CO2 sequestration, oxygen release rate and mass carbon balance. These assessments are conducted under varying photon flux densities (PFD) of 100µmol/ (m2.s), 200µmol/ (m2.s), and 300µmol/ (m2.s). The result demonstrates that FCB2022 exhibited high hydrodynamic performance with parameters like mixing time, circulation time, Reynold number, and empty bed residence time showing favourable values. The optimal ranges for temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen are determined to be between 23.56 and 29.11 ⁰C, 9.03–9.58, and 6.57–6.89 mgO2/L, respectively. Under the conditions of 15% CO2 and PFD of 300µmol/ (m2.s), the specific growth rates reach 0.36±0.004 /day and maximum biomass concentration attains 1.52±0.03 kg/m3. Notably, the PFD of 300µmol/ (m2.s) yields the highest conversion of carbon into biomass, ranging from 1.09×10−02 kg to 1.26×10−02 kg, representing the yield of 31–83% in each CO2 injection treatment.

    Original languageBritish English
    Article number112396
    JournalJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - Jun 2024


    • Cyanobacterium: Carbon mass balance: Hydrodynamic
    • Hybrid photobioreactor


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