Continuous improvement implementation models: a reconciliation and holistic metamodel

B. A. Lameijer, H. Boer, J. Antony, R. J.M.M. Does

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


The purpose of this paper is to review and aggregate the guidance for continuous improvement (CI) implementation from existing implementation models. A sample of ultimately 27 implementation models is collected from the practitioner and academic literature. The models are assessed on quality and completeness using a research framework comprising organizational dimensions, phases in time, readiness factors, activities, and sustainability factors, leading to 415 coded observations. Subsequently, these 27 implementation models are integrated with one holistic metamodel, providing a detailed account of the existing CI deployment guidance to date. Based on the metamodel, knowledge gaps about implementation processes are identified and detailed needs for future research are presented. Thereby, repeated scholarly calls for better and more scientifically proven implementation guidance is addressed.

Original languageBritish English
JournalProduction Planning and Control
StateAccepted/In press - 2021


  • Continuous improvement
  • implementation
  • lean six sigma
  • operational excellence
  • total quality management


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