Computing the dynamics of biomembranes by combining conservative level set and adaptive finite element methods

Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, Chaouqi Misbah

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31 Scopus citations


The numerical simulation of the deformation of vesicle membranes under simple shear external fluid flow is considered in this paper. A saddle-point approach is proposed for the imposition of the fluid incompressibility and the membrane inextensibility constraints, through Lagrange multipliers defined in the fluid and on the membrane respectively. Using a level set formulation, the problem is approximated by mixed finite elements combined with an automatic adaptive mesh procedure at the vicinity of the membrane boundary. Numerical experiments show that this combination of the saddle-point and adaptive mesh method enhances the robustness of the method. The effect of inertia on the stability of the vesicle in a shear flow is also investigated.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)328-352
Number of pages25
JournalJournal of Computational Physics
StatePublished - 15 Apr 2014


  • Adaptive finite element method
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Helfrich energy
  • Level set method
  • Mass conservation
  • Vesicle dynamics


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