Bioadhesive characterization of poly(methylidene malonate 2.12) microparticle on model extracellular matrix

Vincent Chan, Kuo Kang Liu, Catherine Le Visage, Bin Feng Ju, Kam W. Leong

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12 Scopus citations


The efficacy of a drug delivery system is predicated on its retention in the target tissue. Microparticle is one of the most popular and effective drug delivery configurations. Recently, it has been shown that the interaction between drug-loaded microparticles and tissues is related to the effectiveness of paclitaxel delivery to the bladder wall of mice for treating superficial bladder cancer. In this study, the adhesive interaction between poly(methylidene malonate 2.12) or PMM 2.1.2 microparticles and collagen, which serves as the model extracellular matrix for bladder wall, was probed with confocal reflectance interference contrast microscopy (C-RICM), single-particle compressive force measurement and contact mechanics theory. Young's modulus of single PMM 2.1.2 microparticle was determined as 1.56±0.25×10 4N/m2. For plain PMM 2.1.2 microparticle in water (pH 5.5), the degree of deformation (a/R) on collagen coated substrate decreased from 0.77 to 0.26 against the increase of mid-plane diameter from 2 to 18μm. The adhesion energy of PMM 2.1.2 microparticle was determined from Maguis-JKR theory and remained at around 1.5mJ/m2 against the increase of particle diameter. At pH 4, the average degree of particle deformation and adhesion energy was increased by 11% and 32%, respectively, in comparison with that at pH 5.5. The loading of paclitaxel in PMM 2.1.2 microspheres enhanced the deformation and adhesion of microspheres at pH 5.5. It is hypothesized that the electrostatic repulsion between paclitaxel and collagen at pH 4 reduces the adhesion energy of PMM 2.1.2-paclitaxel microsphere. This study may offer insight for design of future microparticulate delivery systems by providing the experimental and theoretical tools to study the bioadhesive interaction between drug-loaded microparticles and model extracellular matrices.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)4327-4332
Number of pages6
Issue number18
StatePublished - Aug 2004


  • Adhesion
  • C-RICM
  • Polymeric microparticle


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