Assessment of dissipative particle dynamics to simulate combined convection heat transfer: Effect of compressibility

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12 Scopus citations


The current study explored the capability of a discrete particle method known as dissipative particle dynamics with energy conservation (eDPD) to simulate combined convection heat transfer in a vertical lid driven cavity. The study investigated two cases of aiding and opposing buoyancy mechanisms in the lid driven cavity. The eDPD results were compared against the finite volume solutions for the range of Richardson number, 10-2≤Ri≤102. The method showed good comparison for the range of Richardson number 10-2≤Ri≤101. However, the eDPD method showed deviation from the FV solutions for a high value of Richardson number, Ri=102, and this deviation is attributed to the compressibility of eDPD system experienced at such high value of Richardson number. Parametric study on the influence of the Richardson number (Ri) on the eDPD compressibility was conducted and presented via temperature isotherms, streamlines, velocity contours, velocity vectors, temperature and velocity profiles.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)49-60
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
StatePublished - 1 Feb 2015


  • Aiding and opposing flow
  • Dissipative particle dynamics
  • Mixed convection


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