Assessing the Impact of Reactive Power Droop on Inverter Based Microgrid Stability

Ahmed Lasheen, Mohammed E. Ammar, Hatem H. Zeineldin, Ahmed Al-Durra, Mostafa F. Shaaban, Ehab El-Saadany

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Droop control is the most common approach for controlling inverter-based micro-grids. The active power droop gain has always been considered as the main parameter for identifying the micro-grid stability margin. Increasing this margin improves the transient performance and provides robustness to the micro-grid for a wide range of operations. Previous work on droop control focused on the active power droop gain, which is required for accurate power sharing as well as for micro-grid stability assessment. This paper utilizes small-signal stability analysis to analyze the impact of the reactive power droop gain on micro-grid stability, which is ignored in previous work. Consequently, a micro-grid domain of stability chart is proposed and defined in the mpmax-nq plane, which represents the zone within which the micro-grid will maintain stable operation. The proposed domain of stability chart is utilized to assess and compare the impact of the conventional and proportional derivative (PD) reactive power droop controller on the micro-grid stability margin. The results show that there exists a reactive power droop gain at which the stability margin is minimum. Furthermore, it has been shown, through the domain of stability chart, that the PD reactive power droop controller is capable and sufficient to significantly increase the micro-grid stability margin while maintaining equal load sharing. Further, the domain of stability chart can serve as a useful tool for defining the micro-grid droop gain operational boundaries and for assessing and comparing inverter-based micro-grid control schemes.

Original languageBritish English
Article number9328533
Pages (from-to)2380-2392
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 2021


  • and small-signal stability
  • domain of stability
  • inverter-based micro-grid
  • Reactive power droop
  • stability margin


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