Analytical Approaches to Predict Pile Settlement in London Clay

Elia Voyagaki, Jamie Crispin, Charlotte Gilder, Paul Nowak, Nick O’Riordan, Dinesh Patel, Paul J. Vardanega

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    7 Scopus citations


    Projects involving construction of piled foundations often rely on preliminary full-scale field tests to failure to predict performance under applied load. If these tests are not available, the ensuing uncertainty will naturally lead to conservative design assumptions. Such design assumptions will result in higher construction costs and often in longer construction times. This paper shows how a database of previous pile load tests can be used in conjunction with simple analytical tools to attempt a quantification of performance uncertainty. Data from a series of previously published axial load tests on piles in London Clay is employed to this end. The methodology developed in this paper can arguably be expanded to a wider range of test sites and geological materials.

    Original languageBritish English
    Title of host publicationSustainability Issues for the Deep Foundations - Proceedings of the 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The Official International Congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt SSIGE
    EditorsHesham El-Naggar, Khalid Abdel-Rahman, Bengt Fellenius, Hany Shehata
    PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.
    Number of pages19
    ISBN (Print)9783030019013
    StatePublished - 2019
    Event2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 - The official international congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt, SSIGE 2018 - Cairo, Egypt
    Duration: 24 Nov 201828 Nov 2018

    Publication series

    NameSustainable Civil Infrastructures
    ISSN (Print)2366-3405
    ISSN (Electronic)2366-3413


    Conference2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 - The official international congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt, SSIGE 2018


    • London Clay
    • Pile Base
    • Pile Load Tests
    • Shaft Resistance
    • Winkler Modulus


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