Air Traffic Management and Avionics Systems Evolutions

Alessandro Gardi, Yixiang Lim, Nichakorn Pongsakornsathien, Roberto Sabatini, Trevor Kistan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Air traffic flow management (ATFM) is the service with the greatest strategic nature overall and involves a number of measures to accomplish the overarching air traffic management (ATM) mission. This chapter overviews some of the most important evolutionary trends in ATM/unmanned aircraft system traffic management, prioritising those which are expected to introduce the greatest changes or yield the most significant environmental benefits overall. The increase in flexibility resulting from introducing trajectory-based operation (TBO) functionalities such as real-time four-dimensional trajectory planning and negotiation processes will enable the planning of more efficient and environmentally-friendly trajectories even in the presence of unforeseen perturbations. In particular, avionics and ATM decision support system for TBO can support user-preferred optimal flight paths (intents) and limit human interventions to strategic high-level management and emergency assistance, so as to decrease the overall workload without compromising the situational awareness.

Original languageBritish English
Title of host publicationSustainable Aviation Technology and Operations
Subtitle of host publicationResearch and Innovation Perspectives
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9781118932599
ISBN (Print)9781118932582
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • air traffic flow management
  • air traffic management
  • avionics decision support system
  • real-time four-dimensional trajectory planning
  • trajectory-based operation
  • unmanned aircraft system traffic management


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