Advances and trends in visual crowd analysis: A systematic survey and evaluation of crowd modelling techniques

M. Sami Zitouni, H. Bhaskar, J. Dias, M. E. Al-Mualla

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

83 Scopus citations


Visual recognition of crowd dynamics has had a huge impact on several applications including surveillance, situation awareness, homeland security and intelligent environments. However, the state-of-the-art in crowd analysis has become diverse due to factors such as: (a) the underlying definition of a crowd, (b) the constituent elements of the crowd processing model, (c) its application, hence (d) the dataset and (e) the evaluation criteria available for benchmarking. Although such diversity is healthy, the techniques for crowd modelling thus developed have failed to establish credibility therefore becoming unreliable and of questionable validity across different research disciplines. This paper aims to give an account of such issues by deducing key statistical evidence from the existing literature and providing recommendations towards focusing on the general aspects of techniques rather than any specific algorithm. The advances and trends in crowd analysis are drawn in the context of crowd modelling studies published in leading journals and conferences over the past 7 years. Finally, this paper shall also provide a qualitative and quantitative comparison of some existing methods using various publicly available crowd datasets to substantiate some of the theoretical claims.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)139-159
Number of pages21
StatePublished - 19 Apr 2016


  • Crowd behaviour analysis
  • Crowd dataset
  • Crowd scene analysis
  • Dynamic visual surveillance
  • Qualitative and quantitative evaluation
  • Survey of crowd modelling


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