Advanced Fault Ride-Through Management Scheme for VSC-HVDC Connecting Offshore Wind Farms

Ahmed Moawwad, Mohamed Shawky El Moursi, Weidong Xiao

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71 Scopus citations


This paper proposes a novel configuration and transient management scheme for Voltage Source Converter-High Voltage Direct Current (VSC-HVDC) connecting Large Scale Wind Farm (LSWF). The proposed configuration aims to fully utilize the HVDC converters with shunt and series reconfiguration during steady state and fault conditions respectively. Thus, it targets the employment of the available converters controls capabilities to enhance the Fault Ride-Through (FRT) performance of the VSC-HVDC and achieve smooth power evacuation to the electric grid. The control strategy is built in such a way to guarantee three factors: 1) enhancing the voltage profile of the electrical grid during symmetrical and asymmetrical grid faults, 2) providing smooth power evacuation from the LSWF, and 3) mitigating the DC link oscillations caused by unbalanced faults. Hence, the proposed scheme demonstrates superior performance of the VSC-HVDC system during steady state and transient conditions. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out to demonstrate the gorgeous performance of the proposed VSC-HVDC configuration using PSCAD/EMTDC. In addition to that, a lab-scaled experimental set up is constructed to validate the functioning of the proposed VSC-HVDC configuration.

Original languageBritish English
Article number7423825
Pages (from-to)4923-4934
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 2016


  • DC link oscillations
  • fault ride-through capability
  • reactive power support
  • series voltage injection


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