Adsorption behavior of MB dye on alginate-sepiolite biocomposite beads: Adsorption, kinetics, and modeling

Kheira Chinoune, Amel Mekki, Bouhadjar Boukoussa, Adel Mokhtar, Amina Sardi, Mohammed Hachemaoui, Jibran Iqbal, Issam Ismail, Mohamed Abboud, Wael A. Aboneama

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations


    This work is based on the preparation of biocomposite beads Alginate-Sepiolite using a simple preparation method. A series of materials was prepared by varying only the mass of the sepiolite in the biocomposite beads (mass of the sepiolite is varied between 0.5–1.5 g in the reaction mixture). The obtained biocomposites were characterized by XRD, FTIR, TGA, XRF, SEM, and EDX and then tested as adsorbents for the removal of Methylene Blue MB dye in an aqueous solution. To study the adsorption behavior of MB dye on biocomposites, several parameters affecting MB adsorption were investigated and discussed. The results obtained showed that the ALG-Sep composite hydrogels were well formed, and their properties were improved depending on the sepiolite content used. The kinetics and modeling results show that the adsorption process follows first-order kinetics, and the Langmuir model. It was found that the adsorption capacity of MB dye increased with the increase of sepiolite in the composite beads, and adsorption was carried out in the following order ALG-Sep(1.5) > ALG-Sep(1) > ALG-Sep(0.5). The maximum absorption capacity of MB dye on ALG-Sep(1.5) was qmax = 55.49 mg.g−1. Among the advantages of this biocomposite is that it is prepared from natural and non-toxic sources, and it is easily separable after adsorption, which makes it an excellent candidate for the elimination of organic pollutants in polluted waters.

    Original languageBritish English
    Article number112558
    JournalInorganic Chemistry Communications
    StatePublished - Jul 2024


    • Alginate
    • Composite beads
    • Kinetic
    • MB dye adsorption
    • Modeling
    • Sepiolite


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