Adaptive reduction of heart sounds from lung sounds using fourth-order statistics

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82 Scopus citations


When recording lung sounds, an incessant noise source occurs due to heart sounds. This noise source severely contaminates the breath sound signal and interferes in the analysis of lung sounds. In this paper, an adaptive heart-noise reduction method, based on fourth-order statistics (FOS) of the recorded signal, without requiring recorded 'noise-only' reference signal, is presented. This algorithm uses adaptive filtering to preserve the entire spectrum. Furthermore, the proposed filter is independent of Gaussian uncorrelated noise and insensitive to the step-size parameter. It converges fast with small excess errors and, due to the narrowband nature of heart noise (HN), it requires a very small number of taps. Results from experiments with healthy subjects indicate a local HN reduction equal to or greater than 90%.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)642-648
Number of pages7
JournalIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 1997


  • Adaptive
  • Heart sounds
  • Higher-order statistics
  • Lung sounds


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