A comparison of danazol and conservative surgery for the treatment of infertility due to mild or moderate endometriosis

D. S. Guzick, J. A. Rock

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


Although both medical and surgical therapy have been widely used in the treatment of infertility due to endometriosis, there is little information on the comparative success of these treatment modalities. In a group of 313 infertile women who presented to the Johns Hopkins Hospital with mild or moderate endometriosis in whom there had been no previous therapy, the results of danazol (91 patients) and conservative surgery (133 patients) were compared. It was found that the cumulative pregnancy curves of the two groups virtually coincided. There was no significant difference in the estimated proportion of patients who were 'cured' i.e., who would ultimately conceive if followed for a long enough period (68.3% for surgery versus 74.0% for danazol), nor in the monthly rate of pregnancy among those cured (5.7% versus 4.0%), respectively.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)580-584
Number of pages5
JournalFertility and Sterility
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1983


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