1-g Experimental investigation of bi-layer soil response and kinematic pile bending

Andrea Chidichimo, Roberto Cairo, Giovanni Dente, Colin A. Taylor, George Mylonakis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

26 Scopus citations


The effect of soil inhomogeneity and material nonlinearity on kinematic soil-pile interaction and ensuing bending under the passage of vertically propagating seismic shear waves in layered soil, is investigated by means of 1-g shaking table tests and nonlinear numerical simulations. To this end, a suite of scale model tests on a group of five piles embedded in two-layers of sand in a laminar container at the shaking table facility in BLADE Laboratory at University of Bristol, are reported. Results from white noise and sine dwell tests were obtained and interpreted by means of one-dimensional lumped parameter models, suitable for inhomogeneous soil, encompassing material nonlinearity. A frequency range from 0.1. Hz to 100. Hz and 5. Hz to 35. Hz for white noise and sine dwell tests, respectively, and an input acceleration range from 0.015. g to 0.1. g, were employed. The paper elucidates that soil nonlinearity and inhomogeneity strongly affect both site response and kinematic pile bending, so that accurate nonlinear analyses are often necessary to predict the dynamic response of pile foundations.

Original languageBritish English
Pages (from-to)219-232
Number of pages14
JournalSoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2014


  • 1-g Shaking table
  • Lumped parameter model
  • Site response
  • Soil-pile kinematic interaction


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