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RIG-S-2023-029 Data-Driven Modelling of Spermatozoa Motility
Goharzadeh, A. (CoI), Kashir, J. (CoI) & Abderrahmane, H. (PI)
Project: Research
RIG-S-2023-034 A novel personalized full-body female musculoskeletal model using Artificial Neural Networks for improving biomechanical investigations: Clinical applications and beyond
Khalaf, K. (CoI), Hadjileontiadis, L. (CoI), El Rich, M. (PI) & Van Niekerk, N. (CoI)
Project: Research
EMRF 2024: Mass production of graphene-like carbon for sustainable energy storage
Al Ghaferi, A. (CoI) & Al Hajri, E. (PI)
Project: Research