Water purification unit 2, Milli-Q Direct 8, Millipore

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

    • LocationShow on map

      Lab 1-001, ADRIC, Sas-Al-Nakhl campus

    Equipments Details


    Type 1 water distribution system The water delivered from a POD Unit has the following characteristics. Parameter Specification Units Resistivity 18.2 MOhms.cm @25°C TOC <= 5 ppb Particulates > 0.22 um <1 Particulates/mL Bacteria** <0.1 cfu/mL Pyrogens* < 0.001 Eu/mL RNases* < 0.01 ng/mL DNases* < 4 pg/uL Flow Rate** 0.05 – 1.5 L/min Weight 27kg Voltage 100-230VAC Frequency 50/60Hz 3.15A fast acting 5mm x 20mm 250V safety voltage


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