Equipments Details
A UV crosslinker is a laboratory instrument used primarily for crosslinking nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) to membranes using ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This tool is essential in molecular biology, particularly for techniques such as Southern, Northern, and Western blots. It is a multi-purpose ultraviolet exposure instrument for use in the laboratory.The main function of a UV crosslinker is to bind nucleic acids securely to membranes. This ensures the DNA or RNA remains adhered to the membrane during subsequent processing steps, which might include washing, hybridization, and detection. A wide variety of applications for ultraviolet radiation exist in the laboratory.
A. UV crosslinking of DNA and RNA by covalently binding nucleic acids to transfer membranes nitrocellulose, nylon or nylon-reinforced nitrocellulose membranes after Northern, Southern, slot or dot blotting. The PRESET ULTRAVIOLET EXPOSURE SETTING is factory set to a UV dose of 120,000 microjoules per cm² for this laboratory purpose. This setting has been found to be the optimal dose for DNA retention and hybridization-signal sensitivity.
-Nicking ethidium-bromide stained DNA in Agarose Gels
-Gene Mapping for creating cleavage-inhibiting thymine dimers
-Testing RecA function
-Ultraviolet Sterilization
-Elimination of PCR contamination
-UV Curing
-Fluorescence of materials
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