Slow Strain Rate Tests (SSRT) apparatus - Cormet

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

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      Lab 3-002, 3rd Floor - ADRIC Building - SAN campus - KU

    Equipments Details


    Cormet’s PC-controlled electromechanical loading device is capable of performing slow strain rate tests (SSRT), constant-load and cyclic-fatigue tests, and also electrochemical measurements. The loading device can be equipped with various kinds of specimen holders as well as with accessories such as DC PD and electrochemical tools. The SSRT instrument can be used in various kinds of test, including an ambient temperature tests, High Temperature (up to 330C) and High Pressure (up to 200 bar) HT/HP tests, with different electrochemical solutions and atmospheres (Air, N2, and other non-hazardous gases)*. * For more details, please see the Operating Manual


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