Equipments Details
The E4991B Impedance Analyzer has a frequency range of 1 MHz to 3 GHz. The E4991B provides 0.65% basic accuracy over a wide impedance range with a 40 V built-in DC bias source. The equivalent circuit analysis function supports seven different multi-parameter models and helps you to simulate your own equivalent parameter values of components. Material measurement options provide temperature characteristics analysis capability and direct read function of permittivity and permeability.
Frequency range: 1 MHz - 3 GHz
Measurement parameters: |Z|, |Y|, θ, R, X, G, B, L, C, D, Q, |Γ|, Γx, Γy, θΓ, Vac, Iac, Vdc, Idc.
Dielectric/magnetic material measurement: |εr|, εr', εr'', tanδ(ε), |μr|, μr', μr'', tanδ(μ)
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