Equipments Details
By combining the separation power of gas chromatography with IRMS, the Thermo Scientific™ GC IsoLink II™ IRMS System provides a significant step forward in the performance of compound analysis. This preparation device, when coupled with the Thermo Scientific™ ConFlo IV universal continuous flow interface and the Thermo Scientific™ Delta V™ IRMS systems, provides a seamless solution that meets the analytical challenges of today's rapidly expanding world of isotope applications.
MAT253 Plus
Analytical Performance
With a sample size of 20 μg for MAT 253, the following performance for one fuIl autosampler run
(46 sampIes) will be achieved.
External Precision 1 σ
Carbon (13C/12C) 0.04‰
Oxygen (180/160) 0.08‰
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