Equipments Details
The steady-state gas permeameter accurately determines the permeability to gas of plug-sized core samples at ambient temperature and moderate confining pressure by virtue of the steady state method. The latter implies a constant flow rate across the sample. Gas can be injected over a wide range of pressures and flow rates. The core inlet pressure is continuously monitored by an inline differential pressure transducer while the gas flow rate is reported by a high-grade mass flow meter. A precision metering valve for back-pressure control permits a better Klinkenberg interpolation. The apparatus can be used with both consolidated and unconsolidated core samples previously prepared in metal or plastic sleeves with retaining screens at the ends. An Excel spreadsheet calculation template allows calibration and parameter calculation.
Permeability Range: 0.01md to 10 darcy
Flow Pressure: 0 to 100 psi
Gas flow: 0 - 50, 0 - 600 cc/min
Temperature: ambient
Pressure transducer accuracy: 0.1% F.S.
Flow accuracy: 1 % F.S.
Nitrogen supply: 100 psi
Power: 110-220 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz
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