Gas Bench - IRMS, GasBenchII-MAT253 Plus, Finnigan ThermoScientific

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

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      Lab 1-003, ADRIC, Sas-Al-Nakhl campus

    Equipments Details


    Universal On-line Gas Preparation and Introduction System for Isotope Ratio MS • Multiple loop injection leads to high precision • Automation leads to high sample throughput • High sensitivity results in low sample consumption • GC separation delivers pure analyte from gas mixtures • Automatic range recognition and autodilution leads to the largest dynamic range of sample size • Extreme flexibility leads to very high versatility The Finnigan GasBench II is an innovative solution for high precision on-line isotope and molecular ratio determination of headspace samples, including water equilibration, carbonates, and atmospheric gases (e.g. CO2, O2/N2). The precision and accuracy of the dual viscous flow inlet system are achieved using modern “continuous flow“ techniques. The Finnigan GasBench II is not only an alternative to dual inlet system techniques but it significantly extends the practice of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). The range of applications includes, but is not limited to: • D/H in water through equilibration with H2/Pt • 18 O/ 16 O in water through equilibration with CO2 • 18 O/ 16 O and 13 C/ 12 C from carbonates • 13 C/ 12 C of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) • 13 C/ 12 C and 18 O/ 16 O of CO2 in air • 18 O/ 16 O and 17 O/ 16 O of O2 in air and water • 15 N/ 14 N of N2 in air MAT253 Plus Analytical Performance With a sample size of 20 μg for MAT 253, the following performance for one fuIl autosampler run (46 sampIes) will be achieved. External Precision 1 σ Carbon (13C/12C) 0.04‰ Oxygen (180/160) 0.08‰ Gas Bench II: Compressed Air 350 to 500 kPa (50 to 75 psi) Gases Helium, about 15 mL per sample (for pressurized release of sample containers from reaction position) Power 50/60 Hz Voltage 230 V, single phase, 10 A = 2,200 Watt Environment Ambient temperature between 18 °C and 28 °C, with a relative humidity between 20 and 70% Dimensions 90 cm (width) × 90 cm (depth) × 190 cm (height) Weight Approximately 100 kg (220 lbs)


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