Equipments Details
The Gamry Interface 1000E is designed for a wide range of applications. It can operate as a potentiostat, a galvanostat, or a ZRA (zero resistance ammeter).
Typical applications for the Interface 1000E can include:
- Corrosion testing
- Evaluation of protective coatings and paints
- Research in electrochemical storage and conversion
- Battery and electrochemical capacitor evaluation
- Bio-electrochemical testing
Interface 1000E specification *:
Maximum Compliance Voltage Range = ± 20 V
Maximum current = ± 1 A
Applied Potential Range = ± 12 V
EIS Measurements:
Frequency Range: 10 μHz to 1 MHz
AC amplitude: 17.8 mV rms to 2.33 V rms
Operating Temperature Range: 0 to 45C
Relative Humidity: Max 90% (non-condensing)
* For more details, please see the Operating Manual

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