Coulomat 702 SO/CS

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

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      Lab 1-001, ADRIC, Sas-Al-Nakhl campus

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    This coulometric method is not limited in its range and can be used to analyse both small ppm values and very high carbon contents in the percent range. Coulometric carbon analysis involves no calibration and represents a reference method in metal analysis. As an absolute procedure without any calibration this instrument can be used for checking other analytical methods which require calibration. The modular construction permits easy change of furnace for use in environmental monitoring (TC, TIC, TOC, Diesel smoke etc.) Coulomat 702 SO/CS Determination of carbon (and sulphur) in metals, organic and inorganic solids. Furnace Slit heated resistance type, both sides open-end, combustion at atmospheric pressure, continuous adjustable temperature, oxygen purificationreagent tube, flow indicators, 230 V, 50 Hz, 3 kVA. Analyser Gas flow system, two thermostatised electrolysis cells, detector zero-point and signal indicator, oxygen purification reagent tube, pressure indicator, membrane and oil pump, 230 V, 50 Hz, 350 kVA. Applications Catalysts, cement, ceramics, coal, coke, ferrous metals, slag, steel, refractories, metal alloys, glass,... Range 0.001 - 100 % C Reproducibility about 0.5 % relative Resolution 0.1 ppm Analysis time 120 to 300 sec Sample weight 10 mg to 1 g Crucible Ceramic boat Method Combustion in oxygen, detection of released CO2 Detection method Coulometric (pH change) Gas Oxygen, 99.5 % (1.5 bar) Oxygen, 99.995 % (1.5 bar) for C < 50 ppm Flow 2.5 l/min approx. during analysis, switch off during stand-by Temperature up to 1350 °C


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