Centrifuge, Small, Mini Spin Plus, Eppendorf

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

    • LocationShow on map

      Lab 1-001, ADRIC, Sas-Al-Nakhl campus

    Equipments Details


    non-refrigerated, with Rotor F-45-12-11, 230 V/50 – 60 Hz. Rotor capacity: 12 × 1.5/2.0 mL vessels, 2 × PCR strip Max. speed: 14,100 × g (14,500 rpm) Extremely compact footprint Acceleration and deceleration time < 13 s User-friendly digital display for time and speed Metal rotor bowl Separate short-spin key for fast and comfortable centrifugation Optimal ventilation flow reduces heating and protects temperature-sensitive samples Soft-touch lid closure for ergonomic lid locking Automatic lid opening at the end of the run to prevent sample warming and to allow easy access to samples


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