Equipments Details
The Agilent B1505A Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer has the capability to characterize high power devices from the sub-picoamp level up to 10 kV and 1500 A. The B1505A supports a variety of modules: high voltage SMU (HVSMU), high current SMU (HCSMU), ultra high current (UHC) module, ultra high voltage (UHV) module and high voltage medium current (HVMC) module. The B1505A also supports: high-power SMU (1 A/200 V), medium-power SMU (100 mA/100 V), medium-current SMU (1 A/30V pulsed, 100 mA/30V DC) and a multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit (1 kHz to 5 MHz).
The Signatone S-1160 Probe Station is fitted with high powered optics for probing small geometries and low powered optics for probing bonding pads and larger geometries.

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